911 memorial

Our first hotel was a block away from the 911 memorial. We wondered about all of the people in the surrounding neighborhood on 9/11. Did they evacuate too? How terrifying it must have been to see the twin towers burning so close. The memorial is beautifully done with the towers shown with water cascading over the sides. Names of those that perished are listed around the edges. On each person's birthday there is a white rose placed on their name. 

The area around the memorial is full of art and gratitude reminding us to find joy. I enjoyed the planters, the huge Occulus building and I was amazed by the survivor tree! 

I find maps of an area very helpful these were huge buildings! 

The memorials have the foundation of the buildings with water flowing down the inside and into the center. It's beautiful and peaceful. 

I am not  sure what the flag symbolizes by someone's name 

A better view of the water at the memorial 

A quick video to show the memorial 

Some of the planters in the memorial area. So bright and cheery! 

This was a beautiful find! A graft from the tree Anne Frank journaled about. I love that the symbol of love and freedom are here!!

The full tree view of Anne Franks tree 

This is a map of the whole campus area

One of the lovely flowers 

I took several different perspectives 

So special

The one World Trade Center, taller than the other two 

This sculpture was found in the rubble. Damaged but not gone. 

This is in a lovely little park area with lots of seating for people to come and enjoy their lunch or think about their day and remember what happened here.  

This is the Occulus, which has a mall inside. It's simply an impressive sculpture. I though it looked like something from MIB! 

My shoes on the steps in this area 

Another view from the side of the Occulus 

Selfie practice 

More of the art surrounding the campus

Another planter 

This is a neat thing, a tree that survived the wreckage ! 

Ribbons surrounding the tree 

 We should dream big!!! 

I took several  pics of these planters. I love the bright art!!

Never Give Up! A fitting saying for this memorial area. 

Monument to responders 

I just appreciate the art of these statues to commemorate events and people. 

Some of the text about the monument. 

Such a somber and beautiful memorial place. I sat and had some lunch and pondered what had happened. Prayed for the people impacted personally, the entire world changed in some ways. Before this airport security was different. We need to be watchful and vigilant to promote peace. I was left feeling gratitude for the sacrifices made her to preserve life. I imagined all the angels working hard that day to comfort and protect. Life was never the same after this attack. 



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